Elevate Your Social Presence with Brand Sewa Social Media Marketing Agency

Transform your social media strategy with our expert services. Build a loyal following, drive engagement, and achieve your business goals.

The Brand Sewa Advantage: Social Media That Delivers

Choosing the right agency can make all the difference in achieving your business objectives. Here’s why partnering with Brand Sewa Agency gives you a distinct advantage:

  • Data-Driven Strategies

    At Brand Sewa, we don’t rely on guesswork. Our strategies are meticulously crafted based on thorough research, market analysis, and data-driven insights. By leveraging data analytics, we tailor our approach to align with your specific goals and target audience, ensuring maximum impact and ROI.

  • Engaging Content Creation

    Captivating your audience’s attention in today’s crowded digital space requires more than just posting content; it requires creating content that resonates. Our team of experienced content creators specializes in crafting compelling posts, images, videos, and stories that not only capture your brand’s essence but also engage and inspire your audience, driving meaningful interactions and fostering brand loyalty.

  • Platform Mastery

    With the ever-expanding landscape of social media platforms, each with its own unique features and audience demographics, navigating the social media landscape can be daunting. At Brand Sewa, we possess a deep understanding of the major social platforms and their nuances.

    Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or emerging platforms like TikTok, we know how to leverage each platform’s strengths to maximize your brand’s visibility and impact.

  • Results-Oriented

    We understand that ultimately, what matters most to your business is tangible results. That’s why we focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) that directly correlate with your business growth objectives, whether it’s increased brand awareness, lead generation, website traffic, or customer engagement.

    By setting clear goals and tracking performance metrics, we ensure that every campaign delivers measurable results that drive your business forward.

  • Transparent Reporting

    Transparency is at the core of our ethos. We believe in keeping our clients informed every step of the way. With clear insights and measurable progress, you’ll always know exactly how your social media campaigns are performing and how they’re contributing to your overall business objectives.

    Our detailed reports provide valuable insights into campaign performance, audience engagement, and ROI, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize your strategy for maximum impact.

Powering Your Social Success: Our Comprehensive Social Media Marketing Services

At Brand Sewa Agency, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to power your social media success. 

  • Social Media Audit

    Before embarking on any social media strategy, it’s essential to understand where you currently stand. Our team conducts an in-depth analysis of your existing social media presence, examining factors such as audience demographics, content performance, engagement metrics, and competitive benchmarking.

    By identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, we lay the groundwork for a tailored strategy that maximizes your social media ROI.

  • Strategic Planning

    A successful social media strategy starts with a clear roadmap. We work closely with you to understand your business objectives, target audience demographics, and industry landscape. Based on this insight, we develop a custom strategy that outlines content themes, posting schedules, platform selection, and campaign objectives.

    Our strategic planning process ensures that every social media effort is aligned with your overarching business goals, maximizing its impact and effectiveness.

  • Content Creation

    Compelling content lies at the heart of any successful social media campaign. Our team of skilled content creators specializes in producing high-quality posts, images, videos, and stories that capture your brand’s essence and resonate with your audience.

    Whether it’s informative blog posts, visually striking graphics, engaging videos, or captivating stories, we create content that drives engagement, sparks conversations, and fosters meaningful connections with your followers.

  • Community Management

    Building a loyal and engaged community around your brand is essential for long-term success. Our community management services involve actively engaging with your audience, responding to comments, messages, and mentions, and fostering genuine interactions.

    By nurturing relationships with your followers and addressing their queries and concerns promptly, we help strengthen brand loyalty, enhance customer satisfaction, and cultivate a positive brand image.

  • Social Media Advertising

    In today’s competitive social media landscape, organic reach can only take you so far. Our social media advertising services leverage paid campaigns to amplify your message, target specific demographics, and drive tangible results. Whether it’s promoting your products, generating leads, or increasing website traffic, we create targeted ad campaigns tailored to your business objectives and audience preferences, maximizing your ROI and delivering measurable results.

  • Influencer Marketing

    Harnessing the power of influencers can significantly amplify your brand’s reach and credibility. Our influencer marketing services involve identifying and collaborating with influencers who align with your brand values and resonate with your target audience. From micro-influencers to industry thought leaders, we help forge authentic partnerships that amplify your message, increase brand awareness, and drive conversions.

  • Analytics & Reporting

    Measuring and tracking performance is essential for optimizing your social media strategy and driving continuous improvement. Our analytics and reporting services provide valuable insights into campaign performance, audience engagement, and ROI. We track key metrics, analyze data trends, and provide actionable recommendations for optimizing your strategy and achieving your business objectives.

Your Social Media Transformation: Our Collaborative Process

We understand that every business is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach to social media marketing simply won’t cut it. That’s why we’ve developed a collaborative process that puts your business at the center, ensuring that our efforts are aligned with your goals and objectives.

  • Discovery: Understanding Your Business

    We kick off our collaboration with an in-depth discovery phase. This involves getting to know your business inside and out, understanding your brand identity, values, products or services, and target market. We delve deep into your goals and objectives for social media marketing, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales.

    By gaining a comprehensive understanding of your business and audience, we lay the foundation for a customized strategy that resonates with your target audience and achieves your desired outcomes.

  • Strategy Development: Custom Roadmap

    Armed with insights from the discovery phase, we develop a custom roadmap tailored to your unique needs and objectives. This strategic plan outlines the platforms that are best suited to reach your target audience effectively, considering factors such as demographics, interests, and behavior. We also define content pillars that align with your brand messaging and resonate with your audience’s interests and preferences.

    Whether it’s educational blog posts, visually appealing images, or engaging videos, our content pillars ensure a consistent and cohesive brand presence across all social media channels.

  • Content Creation & Scheduling

    With the strategic roadmap in place, our team gets to work on creating compelling content that captivates and engages your audience. We pride ourselves on delivering consistent, high-quality output that reflects your brand’s voice and values.

    From eye-catching graphics to informative blog posts to entertaining videos, we craft content that resonates with your audience and drives meaningful interactions. We also handle the scheduling and posting of content across various social media platforms, ensuring optimal timing and frequency to maximize engagement and reach.

  • Engagement & Community Building

    Building a thriving community around your brand is essential for long-term success on social media. That’s why we actively engage with your audience, responding to comments, messages, and mentions promptly and authentically.

    We foster genuine interactions, spark conversations, and nurture relationships with your followers, turning them into brand advocates and loyal customers. By actively participating in the social media conversation, we help humanize your brand, build trust, and strengthen your online presence.

  • Reporting & Optimization

    We believe in the power of data to drive informed decision-making and continuous improvement. That’s why we regularly monitor and analyze key performance metrics across all social media channels. From engagement rates to click-through rates to conversion metrics, we track the performance of your social media campaigns and content to assess their effectiveness. Based on these insights, we make strategic adjustments and optimizations to our approach, fine-tuning our strategy to maximize results and achieve your business objectives. Our transparent reporting ensures that you’re always kept in the loop, with clear insights into the performance of your social media efforts and the progress towards your goals.

Social Media Marketing Plans & Pricing

Select the perfect social media marketing package tailored to your business needs. Explore our range of plans designed to help you achieve your marketing goals effectively and within budget.

Global $USD
India ₹


Ideal for startups and small businesses looking to establish a presence on social media.

$ 199

Per Month

Minimum term 3 months

  • Planning & Strategy
  • Network Setup & Opitmization
  • Content Creation
  • Monitoring & Enagagement
  • Monthly Reporting and Analysis
  • Influencer Research and Outreach
  • Dedicated Social Media Account Manager
  • Social Network - 1
  • Number of Posts per Month - 12
  • Boosted Post - 1
Get Started


Designed for growing businesses seeking to expand their social media reach and engagement.

$ 499

Per Month

Minimum term 3 months

  • Planning & Strategy
  • Network Setup & Opitmization
  • Content Creation
  • Monitoring & Enagagement
  • Monthly Reporting and Analysis
  • Influencer Research and Outreach
  • Dedicated Social Media Account Manager
  • Social Network - 2
  • Number of Posts per Month - 16
  • Boosted Post - 2
Get Started


Tailored for established brands and enterprises aiming to maximize their social media impact.

$ 999

Per Month

Minimum term 3 months

  • Planning & Strategy
  • Network Setup & Opitmization
  • Content Creation
  • Monitoring & Enagagement
  • Monthly Reporting and Analysis
  • Influencer Research and Outreach
  • Dedicated Social Media Account Manager
  • Social Network - 3
  • Number of Posts per Month - 24
  • Boosted Post - 3
Get Started


Ideal for startups and small businesses looking to establish a presence on social media.

₹ 14999

Per Month

Minimum term 3 months

  • Planning & Strategy
  • Network Setup & Opitmization
  • Content Creation
  • Monitoring & Enagagement
  • Monthly Reporting and Analysis
  • Influencer Research and Outreach
  • Dedicated Social Media Account Manager
  • Social Network - 1
  • Number of Posts per Month - 12
  • Boosted Post - 1
Get Started


Designed for growing businesses seeking to expand their social media reach and engagement.

₹ 29,999

Per Month

Minimum term 3 months

  • Planning & Strategy
  • Network Setup & Opitmization
  • Content Creation
  • Monitoring & Enagagement
  • Monthly Reporting and Analysis
  • Influencer Research and Outreach
  • Dedicated Social Media Account Manager
  • Social Network - 2
  • Number of Posts per Month - 16
  • Boosted Post - 2
Get Started


Tailored for established brands and enterprises aiming to maximize their social media impact.

₹ 49,999

Per Month

Minimum term 3 months

  • Planning & Strategy
  • Network Setup & Opitmization
  • Content Creation
  • Monitoring & Enagagement
  • Monthly Reporting and Analysis
  • Influencer Research and Outreach
  • Dedicated Social Media Account Manager
  • Social Network - 3
  • Number of Posts per Month - 24
  • Boosted Post - 3
Get Started

Our Clients Love the Results – And You Will Too!

Discover what our satisfied clients have to say about the transformative impact of our social media marketing services.

“Brand Sewa isn’t just a social media marketing agency, they’re social media strategists! They understand the nuances of each platform and develop targeted campaigns that resonate with our audience on the channels they use most.”

Talhive, Founder – Som N

“We needed a full-service social media marketing agency to handle everything from content creation to community management. Brand Sewa delivered! They took the burden off our shoulders and helped us establish a strong social media presence.”

Discover Darjeeling, Co-Founder – Dinesh S

“Brand Sewa’s social media marketing agency is a breath of fresh air. They stay on top of the latest social media trends and adapt our strategy accordingly, ensuring we stay relevant and engaging with our audience.”

Teaswing, Founder – Subhojit S

“We were overwhelmed by the ever-changing social media landscape. Brand Sewa’s social media marketing agency became our guide. They developed a clear social media strategy, executed it flawlessly, and constantly measure results. Now we’re confident in our social media presence.”

The Exoteas, Co-founder – Richa G

Ready to Conquer Social Media?

Contact us today for a free consultation and let’s transform your online presence.

Social Media Marketing FAQs: Get Your Questions Answered

Find answers to common questions about our social media expertise, services, pricing models, and what it’s like to work with us.

  • How do you create a social media strategy?

    Our strategy development is thorough and data-driven:

    • Audience Research: Deep dive into your target demographics, behaviors, and online preferences.
    • Goal Setting: Defining clear objectives (brand awareness, leads, etc.).
    • Platform Selection: Choosing the right channels to reach your audience.
    • Content Pillars: Identifying themes and formats that resonate.
    • Competitive Analysis: Understanding your social media landscape.
  • Do you offer social media services for small businesses?

    Absolutely! We understand the unique needs of small businesses and offer tailored solutions that fit your budget and goals. Social media can be a highly effective and cost-efficient way to reach your target audience and grow your business.

  • How much does social media marketing cost?

    Social media marketing costs vary depending on the scope of services, your business goals, and desired level of engagement. We offer flexible pricing options including:

    • Project-Based Fees
    • Monthly Retainers
    • Hybrid Models Get a personalized quote during your free consultation.
  • Do you handle both organic social media and paid advertising?

    Yes! We offer a comprehensive approach. This includes:

    • Organic Social: Content creation, community management, and engagement to grow your presence authentically.
    • Paid Social: Targeted campaigns to reach a wider audience or achieve specific objectives quickly.
  • How do you measure the success of social media campaigns?

    We focus on metrics aligned with your business goals:

    • Reach & Impressions: Visibility and brand awareness.
    • Engagement: Likes, comments, shares, saves, etc.
    • Website Traffic: Clicks from social media to your site.
    • Leads & Conversions: Inquiries, sales, etc., generated from social.
    • ROI: Tracking overall return on your social media investment.